Monday, May 31, 2010

Obesity costs Aussies $745.6!!!

Hello Recruits!

Yet another industry report (An IBISWorld industry report ) released today showing that Australians will spend a fortune on diet products but are still getting fatter!

The report also notes that the use of personal trainers and gym memberships has increased, and that low calorie, fat-free food and drinks are increasingly popular.

So why is obesity on the increase?

Possible answers include:  fat free and low cal food and drink are not the solution because they are often an excuse to consume more "Hey!  It's low cal - I can eat more!"

A low cal serving is no excuse to have a little more - it ADDS UP and only equals more calories!

In addition, a lot of low fat foods are actually still high in sugar.  A calorie is a calorie - regardless of whether it's fat or sugar - if you consume too much you will gain weight.  Look for foods that are low fat AND low sugar - there are some that are starting to appear on the market.

What about increasing gym membership and use of personal trainers.  Well here is the 'normal' pattern:  go to gym - get on treadmill or crosstrainer and walk at low intensity for 30 mins - workout done!  Calories burned?  About 300cal if you're lucky.  Or, workout once a week with personal trainer: Calories burned in a session - 330cal if you've worked hard.

Based on average food intake this is just not going to cut it.  The result is that people don't see results, lose faith and enthusiasm and quit trying.  They then try get out of their gym membership only to end up in a fight with management over their contract - usually losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Why are bootcamps more effective? (shameless plug I know, but here's why I run one...): you get value for money - three one hour sessions a week for a fraction of what you'd pay a personal trainer in a gym; no overhead gym membership fees with lock in contracts which includes paying for facilities you don't use, and importantly, RESULTS from good old fashioned hard training.

Bootcamps get you outdoors, force you to deal with gravity when you run, use your body weight as resistance, and because you are training in a group, you are more likely to train at a higher intensity which results in a higher calorie burn - more like 400cal - 600cal total per session (I've tracked that myself on a heart rate monitor - try it some time and see for yourself!)

The other crucial element not mentioned anywhere in regard to both exercise and diet is CONSISTENCY.

Health, fitness and fat loss is simply eating a balanced diet combined with exercise - CONSISTENTLY!  You can't binge and then purge!  That applies to eating and workouts!

Keeping up your training and healthy balanced eating right throughout the year is the solution.

That's why Original Bootcamp at Wanda Beach continues right throughout the year.

Weight gain doesn't take time off over Winter - so neither do we!

See you at training!!  Rain, Hail or Shine!


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