Monday, May 31, 2010

Obesity costs Aussies $745.6!!!

Hello Recruits!

Yet another industry report (An IBISWorld industry report ) released today showing that Australians will spend a fortune on diet products but are still getting fatter!

The report also notes that the use of personal trainers and gym memberships has increased, and that low calorie, fat-free food and drinks are increasingly popular.

So why is obesity on the increase?

Possible answers include:  fat free and low cal food and drink are not the solution because they are often an excuse to consume more "Hey!  It's low cal - I can eat more!"

A low cal serving is no excuse to have a little more - it ADDS UP and only equals more calories!

In addition, a lot of low fat foods are actually still high in sugar.  A calorie is a calorie - regardless of whether it's fat or sugar - if you consume too much you will gain weight.  Look for foods that are low fat AND low sugar - there are some that are starting to appear on the market.

What about increasing gym membership and use of personal trainers.  Well here is the 'normal' pattern:  go to gym - get on treadmill or crosstrainer and walk at low intensity for 30 mins - workout done!  Calories burned?  About 300cal if you're lucky.  Or, workout once a week with personal trainer: Calories burned in a session - 330cal if you've worked hard.

Based on average food intake this is just not going to cut it.  The result is that people don't see results, lose faith and enthusiasm and quit trying.  They then try get out of their gym membership only to end up in a fight with management over their contract - usually losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Why are bootcamps more effective? (shameless plug I know, but here's why I run one...): you get value for money - three one hour sessions a week for a fraction of what you'd pay a personal trainer in a gym; no overhead gym membership fees with lock in contracts which includes paying for facilities you don't use, and importantly, RESULTS from good old fashioned hard training.

Bootcamps get you outdoors, force you to deal with gravity when you run, use your body weight as resistance, and because you are training in a group, you are more likely to train at a higher intensity which results in a higher calorie burn - more like 400cal - 600cal total per session (I've tracked that myself on a heart rate monitor - try it some time and see for yourself!)

The other crucial element not mentioned anywhere in regard to both exercise and diet is CONSISTENCY.

Health, fitness and fat loss is simply eating a balanced diet combined with exercise - CONSISTENTLY!  You can't binge and then purge!  That applies to eating and workouts!

Keeping up your training and healthy balanced eating right throughout the year is the solution.

That's why Original Bootcamp at Wanda Beach continues right throughout the year.

Weight gain doesn't take time off over Winter - so neither do we!

See you at training!!  Rain, Hail or Shine!


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Start of June Program!

Today was day one of the June program. If you were't there you missed a great session!

Despite all the warnings about cyclonic winds, all we got was a little rain - but as they say - it ain't trainin' if it ain't rainin'!!

Even though the mercury registered 12C it was still pretty warm and those that kept their hoodies on for the session probably didn't need to!

Remember that as the season does get a bit colder and rain seems more likely than not at the moment, to bring along a dry change of clothes and towel! You won't get sick exercising in the rain, but you may if you stay in wet cold clothes!

And don't forget to drink plenty of water - just because you can't tell the difference between a sweaty t-shirt and a rain drenched one doesn't mean you don't need to replace the fluids you lost during exercise!

Remember, weight gain doesn't take a holiday over Winter, and neither do we!

While other groups may take the Winter off, we are there to make sure your health and fitness gets a good work out right throughout the year.

As those who stayed true to bootcamp rules this morning and trained Rain, Hail or Shine will tell you - it's not as bad as you think - just make the effort to get moving - once you're working out it's easy to keep going!!!

All it takes is a bit of hard work to warm up and forget the rain!

See you on Wednesday for another great session! Rain, Hail or Shine!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Session for May!

Great last session Recruits!

I hope you all had a great month.  I know some of you acheived your goals which is a fantastic result! 

Now it's time to start setting your next goal! 

And there's nothing like a little success to act as motivation!!

Remember - Weight Gain does not take a holiday!  So, neither do we!! 

While other groups might pack up and go home for Winter, we at Origianl Bootcamp know that the only way to start the Spring in good shape is to continue training right throughout the year.

Your health doesn't take a break and the only way to make sure it doesn't suffer is to make your fitness program part of your everyday life!

We understand that and will be training right through Winter so that you maintain the gains you've made so far keep them going!

So make sure you go to and sign up for the Wanda Beach program starting next Monday 31 May!!

Looking forward to seeing you bright and early!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Breaking News! Run Like Hell

Recruits and Friends of Recruits!

Look out for the new RUN LIKE HELL running clinics coming soon!

Join the RUN LIKE HELL Group on Facebook and keep up to date with clinic times!!/group.php?gid=122388211117984


Monday, May 24, 2010

Running Season

The Sydney Running Season has started!

While those without a cause have retreated to their doona, those of you who have committed to race an event this year know that there is no let up - despite the cold and occasional drop if rain!

Ruining a PB or just being able to finish - it's all the same: you need to train NOW so that you're ready when the big day comes.

At Original Bootcamp Wanda Beach you not only get great all round programs but you also get a qualified Pose Method Running Coach.

During our sessions I will take you through the correct way to run that will change your running experience forever: you will improve your times, improve your running efficiency (longer or faster runs for less effort!) and dramatically reduce your risk of the most common running injuries!

If you're an avid runner or just starting out, you cannot afford to miss learning these techniques!

Check out and read about how technique and proper form are as crucial to running as they are to any other skill based activity!

And then enlist in our Original Bootcamp program where our metabolic training will give you the fitness and our Pose Method certified coach will train you with the skill advantage that will give you the edge over your competitors!

Run hard, run fast, run properly, run Pose!


June Program and Other News and Events!

Recruits - This is the LAST week of the current program - make the most of it!
You should be looking at getting to training and putting in that last effort to get you across the line in terms of your goals!

As the mornings get cooler and darker this is where mental toughness starts to count!!

Re-check your goals and look at where you are and make the commitment to take action to make the improvements that you've promised yourself!

See you at training!!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Program

Welcome to the Original Bootcamp Wanda Beach blog.

Keep up to date on events, activities, programs and fitness tips by following us here.

And for more information about Original Bootcamp, make sure you visit

And while you are are there why not Enlist online in our next program!!